Getting Started

The video above is a run-through of getting a session running with vsBadminton in just a couple of minutes.

Start Now

You can try the system out with just three clicks:

  • Start a new session
  • Try without registering
  • Play

Then start adding players as in the video

Clubs and Sessions

If you have a group that plays regularly though, you want vsBadminton to remember your players. Not only does that mean that you don’t have to type all the names in every time, it also works out from results who are the stronger players, and uses that to pick more even games.

To make sure you can get your information back, you should set up a username and password


To register before starting your session:

  • Start a new session
  • Free Registration

and put in a username and a password. You can also optionally add an email address, so you can recover your password if you forget it.

Creating a Club and Session

vsBadminton remembers players that are in a Club.

Within a club, player information carries over from one club to the next, but game information is cleared for each new session.

(In future Sessions, all the players from before start out as Away, and you pick which of them are Present for the new Session)

After logging in, click:

  • Start a new session
  • Create a new club

and enter a name and description for your club. The name should be a single word without spaces or punctuation. You can put the full name in the description.

Of course, “club” is just a concept for the system. It doesn’t need to be a real club, it might just be a few friends.


Once you have created a session, with a club or without, click “Play” to go into the game-tracking part of vsBadminton, and start adding players.

Going Back

Note your session is for the day you created it; you will not be able to access it after that date, except to see summaries. Instead you will be able to create a new session from the series.